Friday, December 25, 2009

Lost In The woods

A lonely little girl lost in the woods,

By both darkness and light, surrounded she stood.

She got spooked by sounds and sights, real and illusionary,

A mocking laughter, a fleeting shadow, of which, she grew wary.

A couple of paths out of the woods she could see,

Which one to follow, she just could not perceive.

She closed her eyes and said to herself,

“Listen to your heart, it will show you the way!”.

Choose the path on the right, her heart then told,

And then let the experience unfold.

The path chosen was the toughest, she saw to her dismay!

Full, of thorns and bristles, ready, to obstruct her way.

But on she went, no matter what,

And finally came out to the place she had sought.

Tired and worn, yet with a song in her heart,

She came to see ‘Life’ and ‘Woods’ were not much apart!

Friday, December 18, 2009


Note: This was the first poem ever written by me at an age of 18. This was written before I started moving towards atheism.. I have posted it just for the fun of it, as I happened to come across it…..

As despondent as a person might seem,

There is always a way to bring back the forsaken zeal.

By reminding him that this life is all a dream!

A dream! Yes!

A dream from which we shall all awake,

To find ourselves in a place,

From where when we see,

All these despondencies,

It shall all look like trivial matter indeed!

For then, the real despondency shall sink in,

Of wasting this precious life on earth.!

The life in which amidst all the material pleasure,

We forget, all about the real task.

To accomplish which we came on earth.

We came on earth, to get closer to Him.

To become one with the one!!!

But alas!

There, when, back from life on earth,

We find ourselves,

Much further away from Him, Than ever before!!!